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Do you have a heart for the lost, the poor, the hurting?  Are you ready to engage in a summer of sacrificial service, meaningful ministry and awesome adventure? 

Whether you're a student or a recent graduate, applying your skills and sharing your gifts and talents in a cross-cultural context can be a conduit for lasting life change.  Your internship will not only greatly benefit the people and local ministries in Nicaragua but also provide you with invaluable life, work and ministry experience.

The Summer Missions Internship program is an exciting opportunity for young people (ages 16-24) who are ready to deepen their walk with Christ and make a difference in our world.  This intense, 4-6 week journey will immerse you in hands-on mission work, leadership training, and the life giving practice of mercy.  You will experience Christian community with a group of your peers, and gain a further understanding of who you are in Christ and who He is in you and in the world.  You will work in various communities and barrios throughout the country of Nicaragua and be a part of a team that seeks to make Christ known to a people who desperately need to know His love, grace and hope.

Service Opportunities:

·       Volunteer at a school in an impoverished barrio

·       Teach ESL (English as a Second Language) or another class in an area you have expertise in

·       Feed and minister to the homeless and/or glue addicted children on the streets

·       Participate in a community health program

·       Mentor children or youth through the medium of sports

·       Help plan and implement a Backyard Bible Club or VBS program

·       Create handcrafts and art projects with children and youth

·       Visit and care for the elderly and shut-ins

·       Assist medical providers at medical clinics

·       Help small business owners improve their businesses

·       Help a construction team build a home or an outdoor kitchen for a family in need

·       Help young mothers in caring for their babies

·       Participate in a sewing and handcraft ministry

·       Lead music for a mission team or a local church

·       Follow the Lord’s leading  - If you feel led to serve in a particular area, please talk to us and we will try to assist you in planning a project that matches your passion!

We are particularly looking for students in any of the following majors:  Education, Counseling, Social Work, Psychology, Health/Medicine, Business, and Bible/Ministry/Missions Majors

The role you will play on our intern team will depend in part on your interests, gifts and talents.  You will be encouraged to shine in your areas of giftedness and stretch yourself in areas of weakness. 


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