Los Rayos de Esperanza partners with Charlotte based organization, Bless Back Worldwide (BBW) in this highly effective, sustainable, economic development program. Our mission base houses the program office, supervises and directs the Nicaraguan staff involved in this program, and helps mobilize volunteers to serve and invest.
For entrepreneurs in developing countries, the idea of gaining business knowledge and securing a loan to start a business is not just difficult, it’s next to impossible. This reality disproportionately affects women – and the implications are astonishing. The BBW business academy was started in 2015 with the goal of providing business education, mentoring and small business loans to qualified entrepreneurs. The academy curriculum includes a range of topics such as vision/goal setting, business ethics, marketing, sales, accounting, and networking. Participants attend workshops, commit to a business coaching program and join accountability programs for tracking progress. Some of our star businesses include a shoemaker, a pharmacy owner, a taco maker, a pig farmer and a barber - all of whom have increased their profits and successfully paid back their loans. The variety of businesses is amazing and the ingenuity of these entrepreneurs is inspiring!
The results speak for themselves. Businesses are thriving and communities are being transformed.
Business Academy Process (BUILD)
Balance- Strengthen businesses by teaching the value of balancing family and business
Unite-Establish business associations in each community to unite businesses
Instruct- Teach basic to advanced business workshops to local businesses to afford sustainable, long-term results
Lead- Employ local business coaches to reinforce business principles and provide accountability
Disciple- Disciple business clients through Biblical business principles. Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”