Niños de Luz
(Child Light)
Ninos de Luz Nicaragua is associated with Child Light Schools International. It is a health, education and enrichment program for children living in abject poverty in Diriomo, Nicaragua.
The school enrolls children in preschool through grade nine and provides instruction and reinforcement in reading, writing and arithmetic. The program also broadens the horizons of the children by offering classes in Art, Music, Dance, Cooking and Trades. Training in important health habits is an integral part of the program along with teaching English as a second language. However the most significant part of the program is sharing the love of God and teaching each child how loved they are by their Creator.
In addition to education and enrichment, children enrolled in the program receive a healthy meal each day that they come to school. They also receive vitamins, regular parasite control and medical check-ups at least twice per year.
Niños de Luz is 100% funded by child sponsors. Sponsorship cost just $30.00 per month. This small amount pays for teachers, our school cook and cleaner, books, supplies, food, and all associated operating costs.
Sponsors are invited to a closed Facebook page where they can stay informed of what is going on in the life of the school. They also receive an annual photo and gift from their sponsored child. And finally, sponsors are invited to come for a visit should they ever have the opportunity.
To choose your child and forever change the trajectory of his or her life, please contact Sisi Byrd at .